Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Trick People Into Thinking You’re Typing On Kik

The next Kik secret is a way to trick your friends into thinking you’re typing a message to them when you’re really not. You may not already know but when you’re in a conversation on Kik you can look at the top and it will show the name of the person you’re chatting with. When that person is typing it will show that they are. For instance, if you’re texting with John Smith and John starts typing a response to your text, it will show as “John is typing…” at the top.
Now comes for this great secret. It’s pretty simple, you’re going to change your display name. Note, you cannot change your username ever but you can change your display name whenever you want. Just follow these steps:
  • Open the Kik app and tap on settings.
  • Tap on “Your Account”
  • select Name and change your last name to “is typing…” without the quotation marks.
Now, whenever someone is chatting with you on Kik they will think you’re constantly typing and will be super confused. You can always change your name back to your original name if you get tired of it.

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